1. Bill and Eric
With true blood
Even in the world of HBO, it all comes down to choosing between a blonde and a blonde. Although the dark-haired Bill (Stephen Moore) promotes racial southern values, Eric (Alexander Skarsug?) Is thrilled with the mystery of the bad boy. His fight for control over Soki (Anna Paquin) has not only sparked season 2 of the hit series but has also polarized fans in two camps.
2. Asa Wajda
From the Black Sunday of 1960
hug me. Look into my eyes because You're going to die! "Italian horror master Mario Bawa warns the beautiful and deadly Asa (Barbara Steele) in the cult hit. Five decades later, Steele's charity is one of the most terribly inspiring vampires in film history. Is.
3. Angel
As presented by the dreamer David Boreanaz on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and later in a spin-off series of his own, Angel was like a vamp fans: easily cool, carefully plucked hair and with a dark leather passion ۔ Sexual tensions between her and Buffy (Sarah Michelle Geller) subsided, but unfortunately for the couple, their horizontal mambo opened up the dark side of the angel and turned her into halva (see: ex-boyfriend). Eliminate Demons)
4. Schuler van Allen
From Melissa de la Cruz's Blue Blood series
Adolescent vamp Schweizer likes to toy with things beyond his years: the school jack force, blue blood - or ancient vampire - that should be a lifelong bond that is tied to it. And Silver Bloods, who are victims of their Bluer cousins. Fans came for the romance but clung to the slow-moving family and murder myths.
5. Gary Oldman Dracula
The adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola's 1992 stalker novel has long been considered particularly sensitive and accurate - largely because the director emphasized romance almost as scary. The old man reveals to the vampire what he really is: a boy who is still hanging on to his late wife. "I have crossed the seas of time ..." he says to the incarnation of his long-dead lover played by Winona Ryder. It's as thrilling a performance as you'll ever see in a movie that features Kiano Reeves.
6. Listet
There would be no twilight without a leash. By the time Anne Rice introduced her character in an interview with Vampire, a 1976 novel, those who didn't read had sex appeal to Bella Logos in plastic fences. But his golden-haired creation, Tom Cruise, painted his colors to play a role in a 1994 film, a new generation of bloodsuckers. Lovingly charming, lovingly annoying, and always without caring about the term, he became the role model of all culturally relevant vampires.
7. Christopher Lee's Dracula
He was the worst Seth Lord in the Star Wars story and threatened James Bond as Scaramanga, but Lee will always be remembered - especially for cherishing beauty in his careless negligence - silent, and really,Thirsty Count Dracula Wire Hammer Horror Movies From the 1950s, 60s, And 70s.
8. Mr. Barlow
Lots of Salem
In the 1979 miniseries based on Stephen King's novel, Mr. Barlow (Reggie Nalder) didn't say much. Instead, he let his assistant, Mr. Strucker (James Mason), speak while intimidating the sleepy Maine city - not to mention the millions of TV viewers.
9. Dracula of Bella Logosi
With its blue-black cape and heavy accent ("I Never Drink… Alcohol"), the adaptation of Stoker's novel to the 1931 film adapts Dokula's Logosi, which does justice to everyone else. Is done. Unfortunately, Logosi, who campaigned hard for the role, became so attached to the charming dome that life quickly took a turn for the worse.
10. Edward Cullen
From the toilet
Bella Swann (and author Stephanie Meyer), Edward Cullen - with their alabaster skin, curly hair, and long frame - are the ideal. But add songwriting skills, piano skills, and 100 years of wisdom to a 17-year-old's body, and these two women can be talked about. Robert Pattinson mastered the art of combing his hair and tortured it as expected by every Twilight fan. Even men agree. "He becomes this perfect creature," says Chris Weitz, director of his star's New Moon. "And there's nothing like his pictures I've never seen before that.